
WarHorses for Heroes is expanding rapidly, and so is the facility. In order to better serve our veterans, we have multiple projects underway. Please check out the ones in progress and what we've already accomplished! If you are interested in donating to a specific project or need more details, please contact General donations can also be made in our shop!

Current Projects

Electrical Upgrade

$0 of $10000 Raised
Lorem Ipsum Dolor

The purpose of our future capital campaign is to upgrade the electrical system in the barn where we hold our equine therapy sessions with our veterans. The electrical requirements of the barn include powering sufficient lighting for the stalls, grooming areas and arena where we hold our sessions. In the summer, we need to power several fans to keep our instructors, volunteers, veterans, and horses cool and healthy. In the winter, water lines and buckets need to be heated to keep water flowing for our horses. As our program is growing, the current electrical capacity of the barn is not high enough to consistently power all of these, so we will soon begin a capital campaign to upgrade our electrical system so that it is safe, efficient, and so our program has the capacity to expand and reach more veterans.

Grooming Boxes

$0 of $1000 Raised
Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Our angel sponsor is graciously letting us borrow their brushes to spoil our horses before each session, but we would really like to have sets of brushes and brush boxes all our own!

Indoor Bathroom

$0 of $16000 Raised
Lorem Ipsum Dolor

As we expand our program beyond participants dealing with mental health issues to those dealing with physical disability, we need to upgrade several aspects of our facilities to accommodate our participants' varied needs. The bathroom access at our facilities is currently limited to a port-a-potty, and we would like to improve the comfort and accessibility our veterans experience during their sessions. Our vision includes a full service, handicap-accessible bathroom with a shower for our staff and volunteers to use when necessary.

Mobile Tack Shop and Trailer

$0 of $7000 Raised
Lorem Ipsum Dolor

We have received several generous donations of second hand tack and riding gear from local tack stores and individuals, and have been raising money for the nonprofit by reselling it in our online store and in person at a few limited events. A trailer would give us the opportunity to expand our market with a mobile store that could travel to horse shows in the area, raising both money and awareness for WarHorses for Heroes.

Large Barn Fans

$0 of $4000 Raised
Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Installation of large industrial fans inside our facility would greatly improve the health and comfort of our veterans and horses, allowing sessions to be held longer into the hotter summer months. Eight fans would cover the space inside our barn, cooling both the horses in their stalls and the indoor arena where the sessions are held. Donate now to help us reach our goal!

Completed Projects

Refinish Stalls

$500 of $500 Raised
Lorem Ipsum Dolor

We would like to refinish the stalls in the barn. Our horses deserve the best and that includes a nice room to stay in! For this project, we will need to purchase 5 gallons of stain, 10 packs of sandpaper, and rent a few belt sanders.

Update: Thanks to a generous donation, we were able to coordinate volunteers to come spend the day with us and refinish all of our stalls in October 2017! We were even able to begin work on touching up our wash racks!

Lighting Upgrade

$2000 of $2000 Raised
Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Our facilities are in need of better lighting to maintain safe working conditions around the barn. The current system is not bright and can overload our electrical system when other high energy activities are occurring simultaneously, such as powering fans in the summer.

Update: Thanks to a generous donation from Thomas and Betts and Above and Beyond, as well as several individual donors, we were able to install 20 new energy efficient high bay LED lights. It is so much easier to see and operate with this bright lighting, and we no longer have to worry about overloading our electrical capacity. Thank you to everyone who made this possible!
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