WarHorses for Heroes is a local non-profit organization that provides equine-assisted therapy to veterans who have sustained service-related mental or physical injuries.
Some of the available services are grooming, groundwork, horseback riding, and even advanced horsemanship classes.
Veterans Day Picnic
Sponsored by Memphis Dental Corporation
Sunday, November 3rd 2024 | 1-4 pm
Lichterman Nature Center
5992 Quince Rd, Memphis, TN 38119

Please join us for our 8th annual Veterans Day Picnic Fundraiser!

Bring the whole family and join us in celebrating our nation's heroes with great food, free games, a silent auction, live music, vendors, and more!

Get your tickets today!
General admission is FREE for active and retired military members.

For details, email events@wh4h.org

Sponsorship and Vendor opportunities available.
WarHorses for Heroes is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and any proceeds from our Veterans Day Picnic Fundraiser will go directly towards supporting our equine-assisted therapy programs for veterans in our community.
Become a Sponsor and Support Our Event and Our Veterans
2024 Sponsors
Become a Sponsor Today!
About Us

“1 in 4 veterans shows signs of mental illness and 1 in 10 veterans is physically disabled.”

WarHorses for Heroes creates a safe haven and cohesive environment in which veterans can feel at home and welcome. One of the main struggles we hear about is veterans not feeling like they belong or that they “lost” their family after separating from the military. WarHorses for Heroes strives to introduce them into a new and supportive family that they can utilize to rebuild their lives in the civilian world.

Our Mission

Our Mission: To provide hands on support for wounded, ill and injured service men and women through our war horse equestrian program that provides horseback riding and ground lessons, equine care and horse management training for active and retired military who have sustained service related mental and physical injuries.

The brave men and women who have fought for our freedom need our help! Find out how equine-assisted therapy through WarHorses for Heroes can benefit veterans and how YOU can help! We believe no hero should be forgotten or left behind. Therefore, all veteran therapy sessions are given free of charge. Thanks to the support of our sponsors and volunteers, a veteran never has to worry about financial burden while receiving our help. To become a Friend of WarHorses, or to donate anonymously, please contact us or visit our donation page.
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